![]() The Long Shadow - Pocket
111 kr
The Long Shadow
Av Liza Marklund

Bok- presentation: |
The Long Shadow |
Författar- presentation: |
Liza Marklund |
111 kr
A violent robbery has killed an entire family on the Costa Del Sol. Annika Bengtzon is assigned to cover the story for the Evening Post. But when she arrives in Spain she discovers there was a third child - a teenage daughter - who is unaccounted for. Annika makes it her mission to find the missing girl. But as she delves into the mystery she becomes embroiled in a far darker side of Spanish life than she'd envisioned, as she begins to piece together a terrifying story of violence, abuse and murder.
A violent robbery has killed an entire family on the Costa Del Sol. Annika Bengtzon is assigned to cover the story for the Evening Post. But when she arrives in Spain she discovers there was a third child - a teenage daughter - who is unaccounted for. Annika makes it her mission to find the missing girl.
A violent robbery has killed an entire family on the Costa Del Sol. Annika Bengtzon is assigned to cover the story for the Evening Post. But when she arrives in Spain she discovers there was a third child - a teenage daughter - who is unaccounted for. Annika makes it her mission to find the missing girl. But as she delves into the mystery she becomes embroiled in a far darker side of Spanish life
Bok: 220689
Anmäl textfel
Liza Marklund
Hon har sedan debuten med "Sprängaren" 1998 givit ut elva romaner och en faktabok. Flera av böckerna har även rönt internationell framgång och Liza Marklund har översatts till 30 olika språk. Hennes senaste bok är "Du gamla, du fria".