![]() Piracy is liberation 004, Copies and originals - Häftad
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Piracy is liberation 004, Copies and originals
Av Mattias Elftorp

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Piracy is liberation 004, Copies and originals |
Författar- presentation: |
Mattias Elftorp |
Finns i lager,
46 kr
More inspiring cyberpunk postapocalypse! The Class 4 Drivers go on strike, but taking on the Work Control police force is dangerous. Someone could die! This book also contains the follow-up on the events in book 001: Information Wants to be Free. What consequences are there to being a copy of oneself? And what exactly is Metamagic?
Piracy is liberation is set in the far future. After the apocalypse came true (not necesserily the biblical one, but the one that it was an interpretation of), the world and humankind has restarted. They are still taking their first steps, but unsure of what direction to go. The old world is dead, long live the new flesh!
Bok: 174678
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