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Coraline and Other Stories
Av Neil Gaiman

Bok- presentation: |
Coraline and Other Stories |
Författar- presentation: |
Neil Gaiman |
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When Coraline explores her new home, she steps through a door and into another house just like her own - except that things aren't quite as they seem. There's another mother and another father in this house and they want Coraline to stay with them and be their little girl. Coraline must use all of her wits and every ounce of courage in order to save herself and return home but will she escape and will life ever be the same again? Elsewhere in this collection, a sinister jack-in-the-box haunts the lives of the children who ever owned it, a stray cat does nightly battle to protect his adopted family, and a boy raised in a graveyard confronts the much more troubled world of the living. From the scary to the whimsical, the fantastical to the humorous, Coraline & Other Stories is a journey into the dark, magical world of Neil Gaiman.
Bok: 212375
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Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman (f. 1960, Portchester, England) är författare, redaktör och manusförfattare inom fantasy och Science Fiction genren. Han skapade serien The Sandman som utkom i 75 nummer (1988-1996) på det amerikanska förlaget DC Comics och är den enda serien som fått utmärkelsen World Fantasy Award.