![]() The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch (Second Edition) - Inbunden
163 kr
The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch (Second Edition)
Av Neil Gaiman
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The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch (Second Edition) |
Författar- presentation: |
Neil Gaiman |
163 kr
Join a group of friends, with the stern Miss Finch in tow, as they enter musty caverns for a subterranean circus spectacle called "The Theatre of Night's Dreaming." Step inside, get out of the pounding rain, and witness this strange world of vampires, ringmasters, illusions, and the Cabinet of Wishes Fulfill'd. "New York Times" best-selling author Neil Gaiman and his longtime collaborator Michael Zulli ("Creatures of the Night, The Sandman") deliver This "mostly true story," combining Gaiman's trademark magic realism with Zulli's sumptuous paintings, newly re-designed for this beautiful new edition!
Bok: 270426
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Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman (f. 1960, Portchester, England) är författare, redaktör och manusförfattare inom fantasy och Science Fiction genren. Han skapade serien The Sandman som utkom i 75 nummer (1988-1996) på det amerikanska förlaget DC Comics och är den enda serien som fått utmärkelsen World Fantasy Award.