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Fragile things
Av Neil Gaiman

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Fragile things |
Författar- presentation: |
Neil Gaiman |
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A stunning book of short stories by the acclaimed fantasy writer. The distinctive genius of Neil Gaiman has been championed by writers as diverse as Norman Mailer and Stephen King. With THE SANDMAN Neil Gaiman created one of the most sophisticated, intelligent and influential graphic novel series of our time. Now after the recent success of his latest novel ANANSI BOYS, Gaiman has produced FRAGILE THINGS, his second collection of short fiction. These stories will dazzle your senses, haunt your imagination and move you to the very depths of your soul. This extraordinary book reveals one of the world's most gifted storytellers at the height of his powers.
Bok: 211229
Anmäl textfel
Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman (f. 1960, Portchester, England) är författare, redaktör och manusförfattare inom fantasy och Science Fiction genren. Han skapade serien The Sandman som utkom i 75 nummer (1988-1996) på det amerikanska förlaget DC Comics och är den enda serien som fått utmärkelsen World Fantasy Award.